Makeup allow us to create the look we wish to have – dramatic, classic and even of horror, should we take artistic makeup into consideration. But should we fail to use it properly, it may cause a damage to our skin. And not only appearance wise, but also in matters of its health. And there are two most important things to know about makeup’s risk to our skin – its quality and the removal of it. On this article we won’t discuss the importance of buying quality makeup, and put our focus on the right way to remove makeup, so it won’t harm our skin’s health. And so we go…
Our skin is a sensitive part of our body that must be able to breathe in order to preserve its health. Therefore, we must understand that even the most “breathable” makeup products block our skin and its porousness in some level. That is why, we must remove the makeup as soon as possible – at the end of our business day, at the end of our night out, and no matter what – never go to sleep with your makeup on.
Wash Your Skin
The first thing you want to do is to wash your skin with a lot of water and facial soap. Only with facial soap, that meant for the skin’s face. There are also facial soaps that suited for specific skin’s types, so you can choose one that suits yours. The soap will allow you to clean your skin, but you need to make sure it also cleaned your porousness as well.
Clean Up Your Skin
The next step after washing your skin, is to clean it thoroughly with skin’s cleanser that will remove any trace of the makeup off your face and neck. There are also products that designed especially for the extra tender skin around our eyes, so you can use that as well. Once your facial skin is firmly cleaned, you should treat it with some care.
Skin Caring
The last part of removing make is to provide your skin with the treatments that will restore its moisture and rejuvenate it. Makeup products tend to dry our skin, especially if used for a few hours or so. You can provide your skin with the relief it needs after the use of makeup, by using facemasks that meant to allow your skin to rejuvenate itself while you get your good night sleep. So make sure you skin care every night before going to bed.